This is a list of articles and research papers on the topic of Women in Leadership. Please visit the French version of this website for other documents only available in French. And please forward us information you find interesting and feel should be included here.
Statistics Canada - Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics
Province of New Brunswick - Gender Impact Statement 2023, March 2023
On Boards
MacDougall, Valley and Jeffrey, "Report: 2021 Diversity Disclosure Practices - Diversity and Leadership at Canadian public companies" (2021)
Diversity Institute: "Diversity Leads - Diverse Representation in Leadership: A Review of Eight Canadian Cities" (2020)
Diversity Institute Powerpoint Presentation - Diverse Representation on Boards (2020)
In Politics
In New Brunswick
Women for 50% - "Progress - The experience of women in the 2020 New Brunswick General Election"
Women for 50%, "Presentation to Legislative Committee on Procedures, Privileges and Legislative Officers" (April 2021)
Standing Committee on the Procedure, Privileges and Legislative Officers, "Second Report of the Standing Committee on Procedure, Privileges and Legislative Officers" (result of the Committee’s deliberations on Motion 52 with respect to more women elected to serve as Members of the Legislative Assembly) (June 2021)
In Canada
Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, Allen, Literature Review for “Action on Systemic Barriers to Women’s Participation in Local Government”(2017)